Owner’s Representation
We’re on your team, unlocking the value.
TCAM provides day-to-day oversight of property managers and property operations on behalf of the owner. We are part of the owner’s team in developing the plans for the assets and following up on all details so that the plan, and the manager, stay on track. We collect and analyze the operating data so the client has a clear picture of property operations at all times.
- Example: On behalf of a national owner and developer, TCAM is working closely with property management firms managing a large portfolio of properties across the country to improve operations and asset performance. At a fraction of the cost of hiring its own staff for the purpose, the client’s Director of Asset Management has timely, high-quality information on the portfolio and ready access to TCAM’s affordable housing expertise and resources.
- Example: TCAM is serving as staff for a developer that acquires properties and development opportunities across the country. The client has immediate access to trusted staff with proven analytical capabilities as opportunities arise.